Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Available in both LEEDS & LONDON

Prices start from £90

Anti-wrinkle treatments are used to relax facial muscles and eliminate the appearance of wrinkles.

For cosmetic purposes, Anti-wrinkle treatments are used to relax facial muscles, reducing and eliminating the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Patients will notice a reduction in movement to the upper third of the face (Frown lines/Forehead/Crows Feet) resulting in an overall much smoother area. The results aren’t instant and take on average 2 weeks to take full effect.

Anti-wrinkle treatments can work as a preventative to reduce the risk of a person developing wrinkles in general. We recommend regular treatment every 4 months. These treatments are often suited for patients under the age of 65 years. Anti-wrinkle treatments can also be used for numerous concerns please discuss this with your practitioner.


To book in for anti-wrinkle treatments you will require a consultation with our team.

You can book this through our booking system.

Starting From £90

Anti-Wrinkle Treatment FAQ’s

Tips on how to keep your treatment looking great.

Do you have any tips for maintaining my Anti-Wrinkle treatment?

Drink lots of water to keep well hydrated. Avoid sunbed and extreme heat. We recommend top-ups every 6-12 months.

LipS6 Aesthetics & Skin Clinic  | Leeds | London

Leeds Studio

122, Meanwood Road, LEEDS

London Studio

1a Harvil Road
Denham, UB9 6JR

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Business Hours

10am - 5pm Monday
10am - 5pm Tuesday
10am - 7pm Wednesday
10am - 7pm Thursday
10am - 5pm Friday
10am - 5pm Saturday
CLOSED: Sunday

Do you need some help?

If you are in need of help or advice before making your choice of service please get in touch via email to arrange a consultation before treatment.

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LipS6 Aesthetics & Skin Clinics

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